Monday, August 10, 2009


The University of Faisalabad organized a one day training workshop on” Innovation through Quality Education in Pakistan”

The National Productivity Organization (NPO) Ministry of Industries and Production, Pakistan National Accreditation Council (PNAC) Ministry of Science & Technology Islamabad, Center of Human Excellence and Iqbal Academy Lahore jointly organized a day long training workshop on “Innovation through Quality Education in Pakistan” in collaboration with The University of Faisalabad at its Amin Campus.

The objectives were to equip the teachers and faculty members with the latest Innovations, Quality and Productivity tools and being employed in training as they play a very dominant role in the intellectual empowerment of the students’ community. The workshop was attended by Principals, administrators, teachers and leading educationists of Schools, Colleges and Universities from the province of Punjab including the faculty members of The University of Faisalabad.

Prof Dr Riaz ul Haq Tariq, Rector of the University who was also the guest of honour, expressed in his address about the role of teachers in empowering and fertilizing the young minds. He also emphasized on the importance of learning new skills and methodologies in the dissemination of knowledge and class room management.

The key note speakers, Mr Qamar Alghazali from center of Human Excellence Lahore spoke on the role of teachers in the nation building process while Mr Anwar ul Haq Anwar, Manager NPO, a certified productivity manager trained by APO Japan, with vast experience of 35 years, addressed the gathering on “Knowledge Management in Academia and Quality Problems being faced by the Educationists”. Mr Hasan Haider, Deputy General Manager, NPO, a leading professional trainer and consultant having 12 years of proven experience who is also certified productivity specialist and management consultant from Tokyo, Japan. He delved on devising ways and means in the development of new methods, styles and creative techniques in imparting educational knowledge. He also emphasized on building close affinity between the educational sector and the organizations of productivity.

The Chief Guest, Mr Muhammad Javed Malik, Chief Executive Officer, NPO in his address during the concluding ceremony remarked that today where minds are being sharpened, with new additions in the scientific and technological fields. It is imperative for us to manage the transfer of knowledge in academic institutions in a professional manner. We must be fully equipped and must have broad views over global issues before facing the innovative, exploratory and absorbent minds of the students. The event concluded with the award of certificates to the participants.

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